Thursday, March 5, 2009

Not Dead.

I haven't written in ages!
I know I know....
but I felt like it's more than time i did.
so updates are more than needed I imagine....

welllll :
- working on my photography
- school...... even though taking a semester off sounds like the best thing for me right now.... at the end of the day.
Photography is all i really want to do. Theatre didn't do it for me, media.. I enjoy, but.
Photography just feels right, like my organic outlet, ya know.
-bf....b. roy
-internship at a photo studio in nanaimo.... man ! that was like getting all those gifts you didn't get a christmas growing up that u asked for in one offer! it's still pretty surreal.....

there is sooo much going on.. ill try to keep posting!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


<html><title>Gmail - The PFS Hoodie.jpgtitle><body><img src=/mail/?attid=0.1&disp=emb&view=att&th=11a5acf02192c3c8>body>html>

My good mate from back home is starting his own revolution.
Lol, might as well be.
It's a clothing line, hes got spirit, spunk and generations worth of heart and dedication!
His line will be dropping this summer.


I've just had this weird sensation.
like nothing I have ever felt.... well once, and I ended up here.
This is it,
I just realized that maybe, this is NOT where I am exactly supposed to be.
I've got the province right, but the city all wrong.

Please don't get me wrong, I love the people who put the smile on my face every day( oh, how I cherish you so) and my wonderful window sill, but that feeling i got a few years ago; it's poking me ever so forcefully.
Smiling, saying hey.... " it's that time again!"

So, I'm getting my shit together, and I'm outta here. ( i've been doing it all wrong)
not at this very moment, lol.
early 2009 sounds about right to me...

emily Carr?! think so.

bordeom getting the best of ....

Third floor living without a yard.
Sitting on the floor, bored of being bored. Wondering if these clouds will ever show us some mercy and part ways.
Ohhhhhh mang,
I've been dreaming some messed up dreams lately, always in house.
whats up with that shiat. So I was sitting in my kitchen last night sautéing onions, and my mind was literally somewhere else..... yes i burnt them.
I have done something like that in a long time.... I dunno whats up with me, maybe im jumping to conclusions, maybe im pulling this out of my ass, but we all have these weeks when things are just uneasy. Everything is physically ok, and certain things are as they should be.

Ok, whatever. I am over it, for now.
On to more riduclous matters,
Celebrities.... WHY?!!!
whyyy, why are they watched so much, I dont get it.
maybe its one of those few things in life, that don't make any sense and we will never understand... so i'll write a letter.

Really I have a million things to say, but not enough energy to write it all....
so i'll leave you with some fleet foxes.
tons o' fun.
for a wonderful summer afternoon.... which is not whats happening out side.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

two turntables and a micophone!

I have been pretty bored.
That's a lie, I've been enjoying my day off, watching youtube.
I forgot how much I actually enjoyed doing nothing contsructive all day.
So I was watching some music videos when I stumbled apon a childhood memory, no not pogs.
Gap ADs, they were so damn clever!
Then I remember when I had a dream..... no not that one. hehehe
but when i wanted to take over the world by turntables. Hey! I was 8 give me a break.... I secretly still do.
.... and boys who (can) scratch.